Welcome to Reindeer Moss Website Design & Therapeutic Photography

Reindeer Moss is about cultivating meaningful visuals as tools to help make a difference in a complex and fragmented world. Offering a specialist perspective as a creative practitioner qualified in psychotherapy, my work has two focal points: producing carefully crafted & effective websites in collaboration with therapists & socially focussed artists, and an arts practice of therapeutic photography.



Website design for therapists & artists

I’m pleased to introduce an attuned website design service, working with psychotherapists, counsellors, bodywork therapists & socially focused artists, producing highly personalised websites and design.

A balanced approach

Amidst an unstable & frenetic world with fears and technological agendas keeping our nervous systems unnaturally wired, Reindeer Moss aims to cultivate a more natural approach, a slowing down, a refocusing in a peaceful space. This concept flows importantly into website design. My service may be particularly helpful if you are feeling apprehensive about being online. We’ll take a steady approach, at a pace and with content that feels safe and comfortable for you.

Therapeutic Photography Arts Practice

In my arts practice, I'm interested in how the natural world, photography and therapeutic principles come together. Photography offers a universal language and multi-sensory approach which can have a deep affect upon the human nervous system.